The only platform that writes everything back to over 12 Brands of DPMS. AI-Powered Intelligent RCM and Voice Automations that transform DSOs into Autonomous Organizations. Start with Insurance Verification AI. Reduce costs by up to 90% in repetitive tasks.
Discover HowDental Support Organizations (DSOs) now have access to the most Comprehensive, Intelligent and Autonomous Dental Insurance Verification AI. Currently in your DSO, the process involves too many clicks, costs a significant amount of money, and is prone to high inaccuracies, resulting in a notable impact on Accounts Receivable. With dentalrobot's AI, your DSO can save hundreds of hours each week per office. We automate up to 95% of end-to-end write-back to your DPMS (Cloud or Server).
Discover HowIntelligent Automations built and delivered by the most expert people in the industry, averaging 20 years of experience. From AI-Driven Intelligent Payment Posting to Automating Ortho Billing, experience the future of Autonomous RCM.
Discover HowExpand into any direction. Now, with VoiceAI integrated to Dental Revenue Cycle Management. Unlock the power of AI for Inbound and Outbound calls while seamlessly orchestrate with any workflow within your Dental Practice Management Software. The broadest reach in data extraction, normalization and orchestration in 12 brands of DPMS.
Discover HowTrain once and forget. Orchestrate and foster interoperability across all your existing softwares, starting with Dental Insurance Verification.
All your EOB data is instantly available, enabling swift, decision-making and analysis.
Our approach is unique. For DSOs, we provide four plans with over 60 features. You can start with the Lite Plan, which is the same as those offered by our competitors, and at any time upgrade to higher-value plans. The Lite Plan starts at $150/month.
Yes, we provide the exact data for Eligibility available on the carriers' portals, API/EDI & via voice calls. We even provide the printout and upload it to your Practice Management System.
Yes, we provide the exact data for Full Breakdown available on the carriers' portals, API/EDI & via voice calls. We do exactly as you currently do to obtain the highest data quality possible. We even provide the printout and upload it to your Practice Management System.
No. All our contracts are month-to-month. We provide 60-day termination. Our aim is for you to experience the pinnacle of intelligence in dental automation. This decision could be your most strategic one yet.
Certainly, as every DSO is unique and different we offer customization for numerous features. Among the most requested is our platform's capability to tailor to your specific Dental Insurance Verification Form and write-back workflows. We can achieve unprecedented levels of 100% Customization.
Indeed, we stand as the sole platform with the ability to comprehensively read and write back to any brand or version of Dental Practice Management Software, whether installed on servers or hosted in the cloud.
Within our Custom and Professional Plans, we've crafted the most exhaustive platform for Dental Insurance Verification Automation, brimming with advanced AI features that render it exceptionally intelligent. If you can train a staff member, you can train our AI.
Simple. Start with the Lite Plan. As you get to know the platform, you will want to upgrade in the future. It’s up to you.
Installation under the Lite Plan typically requires 1-2 business days. For the Custom Plan, installation timelines can range from 1 week to 12, contingent upon the extent of customization required.
After implementing our Insurace Verification AI, the next ones are Payment Posting and Front Desk, Call Center AI.